Monday, July 16, 2012

Blog Share: This Big Oak Tree

Despite my attempts at a few crafty kids projects like homemade shakers and homemade eye-spy toys the truth is I am not very crafty.  I don't have a sewing machine yet although I've dreamed from time to time about getting one.  I stumble around craft stores desperately wanting to do something that doesn't end up looking like a elementary school project.

However, I have crafty friends.  Friends who have sewing machines and who know how to use them.  Today I'd love to introduce you to Amy and her blog This Big Oak Tree.  Amy makes lots of simple but amazing projects like skirts, purses, baby clothes and aprons.  They're adorable and also have easy step by step instructions.  If I ever get a sewing machine I'll know just where to go to get started!

Isn't she the cutest?  Go check out here blog here.

You may also like these fabulous projects on her blog:

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