Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chocolate Chip Raisin Granola Bar Recipe

I found this recipe on my friend Kim's blog and had to give it a try.  I am one of those people that doesn't have time to eat breakfast usually, as I'm feeding the baby or hurrying to get us out the door.  More often than not I'm eating a granola bar in the car while I drive! ;)  So I thought this recipe would be right up my alley!

The recipe was simple and included oats, chia seeds (and you know I love chia), sweetened condensed milk, coconut, almonds, raisins, coconut oil, mini m&ms and chocolate chips.  I followed her recipe except that I didn't have m&m's.  I think next time I might throw some dried cranberries and/or another nut in there too.

They turned out great and were gobbled up by me, the baby and my 4 year old.  Success!

Go here to find the recipe.

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