Monday, December 3, 2012

Arizona Snowfall

Last weekend I took my kids to see snow falling.  Now here in Phoenix that isn't an easy feat, especially since it's the first week of December and the forecast is for the low 80's all week!  There is a trade-off for beautiful, sunny and very mild winters.  For example our cut Christmas trees are already dried out before we even get them home!  But I digress, back to the snow.  When I saw an advertisement for Christmas music and snowfall at a local outdoor mall I decided to take the kids.

We saw some cute 3rd-6th graders sing Christmas songs while we patiently waited for the 7pm snowfall.  It was past my baby's bedtime but I figured it was worth it to see snow, beautiful snow!

I wasn't sure how they would create it, I figured some sort of a ice-machine that shaves it up and shoots it out.

After patiently listening to carols and then small children playing clarinets (yikes) it was finally time.  SNOW!

Wait, what?  Why isn't it cold?  What's that smell?

Oh my, it was soap bubble "snow".  I should have known.

Bummer.  I guess that's all you get when you live in Phoenix.

I'm sure the cleanup was easy.  Ha!

1 comment:

  1. I took Kate too!! I was sure that smell could not be good to have all over our hair and face. I was disappointed...
