Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Light Tradition

My eldest and I have a Christmastime tradition of driving around and looking at Christmas lights in our community.  We started when she was little on the way home from an evening Christmas concert and have done it ever since.  Two years ago we added a Circle K stop when I was desperately craving of all things a hot-dog on Christmas Night (in my defense I was pregnant with her sister).  Usually we just drive around but tonight we got out a couple times to look at the lights up close.

Our own neighborhood had a special display of luminaries.  Hundreds of them lined up all around one of the little pocket parks and down a few of the nearby streets.  Just lovely.   I hope we can join them in setting up next year!

It was a memorable outing and next year we'll bring little sister along too (she was at home sleeping). 

Happy Christmas Eve!

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