Sunday, January 13, 2013

Make your own Puppy or Small Dog Sweater.

If you have a tiny little dog like we do (did, she's MUCH bigger now) here is a handy way to make a sweater out of things you probably already have at home.  It's a sock sweater. 

When we brought our little Italian Greyhound home from the breeder it was during the hot-hot-hot part of a Phoenix summer.  She didn't need a sweater for outside, but sometimes the a/c gets a little cold inside so we made her a sweater out of one of my husband's old socks.  

It's pretty simple to do: 
1. Use the top part of the sock (the leg/ankle part, not the foot part). 
2. Cut out arm holes and cut off the foot part of the sock.  Make sure their peeing parts aren't covered!
3. Wiggle your little dog into it.  That's it!  

The hardest part may be getting the dog into the sweater and convincing him/her to wear it.  Ha!  This is our older dog when he was a puppy rocking the same type of sweater.  We thought it looked like a little white undershirt tank.  Hilarious!  He wasn't so sure about it.

So if you have a puppy or a tiny little dog and you need a sweater give it a try.  Let me know what you think!

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