Saturday, March 16, 2013

Shamrock Kale and Fruit Smoothie

I've got a great breakfast or snack idea for St Patrick's Day tomorrow (or any day).  Green smoothies seem to go over better with little ones when you call them "Shamrock smoothies".  My 5 year old ate all of hers although I did have to clarify that it did not in fact have real shamrocks in it.  Ha!  The baby kept coming back for more, talk about a sneaky way to get greens in!

It's a pretty simple recipe, just throw in your favorite green leafy veggies and fruit!

Shamrock Green Kale and Fruit Smoothie
Small bunch of Kale (leaves only)
1 frozen banana
1 1/2 -2 cups of frozen fruit (I used strawberries, pineapple & mango)
honey or sugar (to taste)
1/2 cup milk or milk substitute

1. Place the kale in first, then the frozen fruit and milk.  Blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

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