Friday, April 19, 2013

Fisher Price Friday - Meet Timmy and Penny

It's Story Time today again on Fisher Price Friday.  I'd like to share two adorable Fisher Price Little People Books both published in 1986.  They feature characters drawn like the classic Fisher Price toys, Timmy and Penny.  Also Lucky (aka Fido) the black and white dog joins along in the fun.

The books are pretty much exactly the same, each featuring either Timmy or Penny.  They have the same adventures and the words are almost the same, just the names and she/he change.

Meet Timmy is easier to find on the out-of-print/used book market.  Meet Penny on the other hand is much rarer and more costly.  My Meet Penny book wasn't too expensive but that's because it has some wear and spine damage.  I had to have it though since I have two little blonds at my house!
Listen/watch the stories and see for yourself how cute they are.

1 comment:

  1. Big News! Timmy, & Penny Are on Their Way 2 The Circus! & They Want you Come Along!
