Sunday, May 19, 2013

Favorite Things - Leave Your Sleep (Childrens Book/Music)

Back in March my husband and I went to the most marvelous concert.  It was Natalie Merchant with the Phoenix Symphony.  If you are in your 30's -50's you must know who Natalie Merchant is, she performed in the 80's-90's with 10,000 Maniacs and then went on a solo career after that.  I LOVED her music in college and continue to be a fan although she has not produced as much music in the last 10-15 years.  Her most recent project is Leave Your Sleep (2010) an adaption of 19th and 20th Century poetry into song.  

She currently travels to different cities performing concerts with symphonies about once a month.  A perfect schedule for her since she is a single mother of a young girl.  She uses the concerts to play music from Leave Your Sleep as well as new music that hasn't been released yet.

She created a beautiful children's book and full length cd (16 songs) or you can get the 2 cd album (26 songs).  My 5 year old absolutely adores this book and album.  We bought the book at the concert (signed!!) and it has been playing around this house or in the car non-stop ever since.  This may be the only kid's music cd that we are actually happy to hear!
Some of these poems are more Grimm's like, for example The Sleepy Giant which is about a giant that eats small boys clothes and all.  We find them all in fun but you have to know how your kids react.

I can say that we've been so enchanted with the music and the book that I'll be giving it to all our little friends for birthdays in the year to come!  And if you see Natalie is coming to your area I highly recommend her concert, you won't be disappointed!  She did a full concert with the Phoenix Symphony then came out for an hour of encores accompanied by a piano, guitar and drums doing her most popular songs (Kind and Generous, Jealousy, Carnival, etc).  My favorite date night of the year!

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