Wednesday, October 10, 2012

(semi) Wordless Wednesday - Backyard Play

Here in the AZ desert we have reverse seasons.  We play outside in the fall-winter-early spring and play inside in the spring-summer.  It takes a bit of getting used to if you're not from around here, but there are definite benefits.

Now that the temperatures are starting to drop into the 90's and (gasp) maybe soon the 80's we've just started outdoor play.  Meeting friends at the park instead of the pool, riding bikes and opening up the play house for the girls.

This was baby-girl's first time in the playhouse since she wasn't walking (or old enough) last spring before it became a sauna in there.  The other morning we went out while the girls were still in their pj's. 

She had the best time exploring the kitchen in the playhouse.  She is very much into kitchens (and baby dolls) right now so this was a fun surprise for her that we had one outside.

It is a fun space for the kids and I think big-sister likes having someone else to play with.  For once she wasn't asking me to go in there.

When it got too hot (it's still in the 90's after all) we went back inside got dressed and she rode a cow.  You know, a typical day around here. :)

Happy Wednesday!

To see more photos of the girl's playhouse look here.

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