Friday, December 7, 2012

Fisher Price Friday - Fire Station

Today I'd love to introduce you to the Play Family Fire Station #928.  This play set was made from 1980-1982 and was the first Fire Station for the classic little people toys even though there had been fire trucks for many years.  The Fire Station came with many accessories that are very hard to find.  The hardest arguably being the two black fire hoses that connect to the fire truck and the fire station.  I originally bought my fire station as a place to store our smaller fire trucks, but then got caught up in making a complete set, which I now have!

The set came with a grey practice tower, two yellow ladders (that connect together as shown) and two yellow road barricades.  The barricades were used in other Fisher Price sets including the 2352 Little Construction Set as well as 2 Adventure People sets.

The Fire Station came with three vehicles.  The fire truck, ambulance and fire chief car.  The fire chief car was only made for this set.  It is the same shape as the regular police car but is white and red and has gold scrolls on the front and sides.  

The fire truck was originally made for this set.  There were many variations to the truck including having side designs in white, silver or gold  After the fire station was discontinued it was reintroduced in 1983 in the #346 Fire Engine Rig set with some slight variations (the firemen had silver hats). The fire truck has three connected parts for the white ladder; the base, extension and bucket.

The fire truck came with two yellow stabilizers.  They store inside the truck under the ladder (as shown) when not used, and put in the notches on the side of the truck (to provide stability) during play.  These stabilizers are a bit tricky for little hands and are also one of the hardest accessory pieces to find. 

Here you can see the firemen at work.  The stabilizers are on the truck in this picture and the hoses are connected to the truck and the fire station.  You can also see how the firemen are able to hold the hoses with their arms.  The firemen are the only Little People that have arms (and hands).

The practice tower fits in the top of the fire station.

The fire station base has many fun features.  The brown main door has cut out windows and goes up and down when you use the hand crank on the side.  While the door is going up or down it makes the bell ring.  There is a big lithograph of red brick and lights as well as the words Fire Station.

The left side of the station has two doors and one window.  The plastic is in the shape of bricks.  There are two holes for the hoses to connect too.

The right side of the station has a door and a window and two more holes for the fire hoses (but they're side by side here).  The yellow crank for the door and the (noisy) bell are also seen.  

Inside the station there is a parking bay, stairs and an office space.

Three firemen and a dog came with the set.  Two with black bodies, red arms and red hats and one with a black body, white arms and a white hat (the fire chief).  They all had plastic heads and bodies.  The dalmatian could also have a yellow collar, although the red one was more common.  The dalmatian only came with two sets, the fire station and the #2361 Fire Truck (although the yellow collared dog was only made for the Fire Station). 

The upstairs of the fire station has the work center complete with a dog wearing a fire hat and two cats.

The side of the station has a lithograph of a fire pole, garbage can, stretcher and 4 more cats.  This set has the most cats pictured, which is especially amusing to me considering there are no original FPLP cat figures.  Someone must have liked cats though!

This is how I store our Fire Station.  I park another little fire truck in there, the #720 Play Family Fire Engine.

For more entries on Fire Trucks go here.


  1. Where did you find the hoses?

    1. Hi there, it took awhile but I found my hoses on eBay. I suggest saving a search on there so eBay lets you know whenever they come up. For example "fisher price fire hoses". Good luck!
