Thursday, May 16, 2013

Organization - Kid's Playroom Part 2

Back to the kid's playroom for part 2, today we go inside the closet!  Now I'm not saying my way or organizing is the best or even the prettiest, but it works for us.

The right side of the closet has my daughter's dress up clothes.  I use a combination of regular hangers and multiple (3 and 4 tier) skirt hangers.  The tiered hangers work great for tiny clothes, wings and the outfits that tend to fall of regular hangers.

Up above in the right side are shelves all the way to the ceiling, I love that!  I used fabric box "drawers" to hold little items and toys that they haven't grown into yet.  There are a few toys, off season and odd sized books on the shelves as well.  

Down below on the floor I used shoe storage units to keep their puzzles.  On top are Lego boxes and tubs.  On the far right I use the space to keep odd shaped toys like a fabric tunnel and parachute.  There is a mirror behind that my daughter can use to admire her loveliness when she's playing dress up.

The left side of the closet.  On the floor is an Ikea organizer (wood composite) with plastic drawers.  On top I've got 2 big baskets that I picked up at TJMaxx a few years ago.  They've been all over my house for different uses.  We've considered removing the clothing bar and having another shelf put in to use the space better but haven't gotten around to it.  For now I have a lightweight metal/plastic storage system up there from the Container Store.  Up above in the closet I have off season books (Christmas, Spring, etc) and other random toys that they're either growing into or out of.

Here's a closer look at those Ikea plastic bin/drawers.  You won't be surprised to see that I keep vintage FPLP in most (3/4) of them.  :)

In Part 1 I showed you the armoire but forgot to show you what's inside!  Just a few of our vintage Fisher Price Little People sets.  We took a tv/entertainment armoire and made it into storage by putting wire shelves inside.  I can fit quite a few sets in there (6 big ones plus 2 smaller and a few vehicles underneath).  Also, don't forget the top, I've got a couple displayed up there as well.  

To see more of our Playroom go to Part 1
Go here to see how I use the armoire to Cloth Diaper a Toddler.


  1. You did a great job organizing. It's tough to make childrens' toys look perfect d because their are so many sizes,shapes,colors, widths, etc to work with!

    I absolutely love the armoire with the FP toys in it! I would want to go there just to open it to see all the treasure inside! FUN!

    1. Thank you! I do love our armoire, it's fun to see what the kids want to choose each day to play with. :)
