Sunday, March 24, 2013

Call the Midwife

As you may remember I am a big fan of a very popular British Show, Downton Abbey.  I was a HUGE fan until this last season but we won't go over that again now.  I wanted to tell you about another PBS show from England, Call the Midwife.

I discovered this show last year on my PBS player and absolutely loved it.  It takes place in the 1950's in the working class/poor area of London's (the East End) and follows a order of midwife nuns and midwife nurses.  It is fascinating!  Now, I have to put out there that if you are not interested in birth this is NOT the show for you.  Shouldn't be a surprise since it's about midwives, but I still want to state the obvious.  Each show has multiple births and let's just say these ladies are vocal.  I watch it after my girls are in bed and still need to turn the volume down here and there. :)

That said it is a lovely mostly uplifting period show that is a great little view into what birth looked like before modern medicine took it out of the home and into the hospital.  It is also a drama, complete with relationships (nurses not the nuns, ha!) and a few plot twists and turns.

The 2nd season starts next Sunday, March 31st on PBS.  You can see all the episodes from Season 1 online here.  Or look for them on Netflix.

So get going, you've got one week to catch up!

In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit that I've already started watching Season 2.  They showed in England awhile ago so I found them online.  I couldn't wait!  It's fabulous.

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