Friday, March 22, 2013

Fisher Price Friday - Play Family Children's Hospital People

I have a confession to make, I don't have the Play Family Children's Hospital play set.  I had a set, but passed it on when my big girl was just a baby.  At the time I thought we had too many sets, can you imagine?  Ha!

Anyway, I have the little people from the hospital set so I thought I'd talk about them today.  There are a couple unusual people in this set to be sure!

The Play Family Hospital #931 was made from 1976-1978.  It had quite a few pieces that were exclusive to the set, although most of the people were not.  It came with four white people; a baby, nurse and two doctors.  It also had a colorful three person family including a dad, mom and a girl.

The two doctors are not exclusive to the set.  They were also found in the #997 Village set (dentist or barber) as well as vehicle sets #123 and #126 as ambulance drivers.

The nurse and the baby are exclusive to this set.  The baby is basically a regular baby but without a bonnet or bib.  They tend to be difficult to find which of course means more expensive.  The nurse is definitely a unique person.  She has a white face mask, black eyelashes and a blond ponytail.  I find her a tiny bit creepy but my daughter likes her!

The hospital family are common pieces, found in many other sets.  

So there you go, all 7 of the Hospital people.  Note that this set did not have any variations with the people, which is unusual for a set!  Also, note that all of the people (and the hospital set) is made entirely of plastic.

ETA: I now have the Children's Hospital!  Go here for an entry on it.

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