Monday, August 5, 2013

Vintage Fisher Price Little People Birthday Party

It should come as no surprise that my daughter's 2nd birthday party had a "Vintage Fisher Price Little People" theme this year.  What can I say, I love little people! :)


I looked into personalized vintage little people invitations.  There were some cute ones here on Etsy.  However, I was at Target and saw these adorable customizable invitations (on sale!!) and couldn't resist.  The primary colors work well with my theme and since I didn't need many it was a better fit for this year.  I intended on including a photo of my little girl with her FPLP toys but didn't get around to it. 


I used our vintage fisher price toys to decorate the house.  I put up different Little People sets around the common rooms so that the kids could play in different areas.  This worked well as there was little fighting and only a couple broken pieces (don't put your very favorite ones out!).  

To go along with the vintage little people theme I used primary colors.  I had 18 balloons, bright colored party hats and a few other odds and ends.  The balloons came in handy later for a photo prop, but more on that another day.  

I am far from an artist but I made an attempt in order to put up little people decorations.  I drew (free hand of course!) some of our little people toys. They aren't perfect but they did the job.


My favorite part of this party!  I had the fun idea to give out vintage fisher price little people toys of course!  I gave each child that came a little person (matched to look as close to them as I could) and a little rider.  I had my oldest help me pick out the people.  Now, if you look at the photos you'll see that a lot of little blond people came to our party. ;)  You may know that blond (boys at least) are few and far between with FPLP.  In fact the only one I had was from the Cruise Boat #2524 and if you know FPLP you'll know that he is very rare (ie $$) so that wasn't going to work.  So a few of our boys got cowboy FPLP instead! 

I wrapped each toy in a birthday bag (dollar store) and attached a name tag to it (I cut up blank 4x6 cards and used a heart shaped hole punch).  The name tag had a cute fisher price sticker of vintage FP toys that I also found at the dollar store.  That was a fun find!

The favors were a huge hit with the kids and the parents too!  It helped them transition from my house of many toys when it was time to go since they could take something with them.

Cake and Food

I didn't take photos of the food but I kept it pretty simple.  Last year I made a homemade healthy (mostly organic) baby friendly First Birthday Carrot Cupcakes.  Not this year.  Oh no, we've moved onto ice-cream cakes.  It was a lovely chemical laden dye coated ice-cream cake from Dairy Queen and it was delicious.  Hey, we can all go crazy with food here and there, right?

I incorporated my theme by adding FPLP to the top of the cake.  I also had the decorations and writing in primary colors.  The people on the cake represent our family by the way.  My girls are in the wagon (from the Sesame Street Clubhouse) since my 2 year old LOVES wagon rides.  It seemed fitting.  


I wasn't able to find many ideas on the internet, but I did receive some inspiration from a blog called gerbera designs.  She had a Little People party for her son, and even includes some (free) printables.  They were very cute but since I was celebrating a little girl they weren't quite right for me. 

I also loved these cookies and thought about having someone make them for me.


For our family gifts this year my daughter received mostly vintage fisher price toys or books. :)  Like the Change-A-Tune Carousel #170, Happy Birthday Pocket Radio #768, Timmy's Birthday Party (a vintage FP sticker book), Pocket Camera #464 (a Trip to the Zoo) and her very own made by me Fisher Price ABCs book. 

One more note about my daughter's outfit.  I considered finding something with little people on it, but nothing was quite right.  So I bought this vintage-looking fabric that fits the vintage FPLP era and made her a romper instead.  Note that I had a lot of help in making this romper, from my sewing guru Amy.  I love how it turned out and am as proud as can be that I was able to make it.

Happy 2nd Birthday to my very own Little Person!