Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Buttermilk Ice Cream

My search for yummy ice-cream recipes continues.  I started by making vanilla ice-cream that tastes just like Haagen Dazs.  I also made my husband some vanilla ice-milk (no cream, just milk) which he is enjoying.  I decided to be adventurous this time around and make a buttermilk flavored ice-cream.  I usually have fresh buttermilk in my refrigerator since I use it to make my famous Buttermilk Ranch Dressing and also Buttermilk Pancakes.

I don't remember having buttermilk ice-cream before but the description sounded so great (a creamy ice-cream that tastes a bit like cheesecake and lemon) I had to give it a try.  I looked at a few different recipes but ended up using the recipe from about.com.  I love that it only has 4 ingredients.

Buttermilk Ice-Cream

1 cup heavy cream
6 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups buttermilk


1. Bring cream to a boil in a small sauce pan.  Meanwhile, in a medium bowl whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until pale yellow and thick.
2. When cream boils slowly pour it into the egg mixture, whisking constantly (so you don't cook the eggs).  Return mixture to pan and cook, stirring constantly over medium-low heat until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
3. Pour mixture into a clean bowl and stir in buttermilk.  Cover and refrigerate until chilled (about an hour up to overnight).
4. Freeze in an ice-cream maker.

This rich and creamy ice-cream is perfect with fresh berries.  Enjoy!


  1. You had me out looking at ice cream makers this past weekend :-) I love this last photo with your dog...so funny.

    1. Do it! Then we can share ice-cream recipes too. :) I'm sure they even have a kale or beet one for you, ha! :)
