Thursday, July 19, 2012

Diaper Liner Reviews

As you may know one of the "crunchy" things that I do is cloth diapering for my kids.  I've written about cloth diaper liners briefly here, but I thought I'd do a quick product review for you today.

I started using disposable diaper liners when my baby-girl began eating solid foods.  Once her poop switched from exclusively BF it was no longer washing-machine friendly (before that it really isn't a big deal).  In order to avoid the dreaded sprayer or swishing in the toilet (gasp) I use disposable and somewhat reusable biodegradable liners.  

Bumkins Flushable Diaper Liners:

These liners come in a box of 100.  They are biodegradable and flushable (but not recommended for septic tanks).  They cost about $9.95 a box and can be found many places online.

The Bumkins liner laying in a Best Bottom diaper with a medium insert.

Pros: Very soft.  The box makes them easy to access.  The liner is folded much like a kleenex, which makes it easy to put in the diaper.  This liner would also help protect a cloth diaper from non-safe diaper creams as it is thick.

Cons: Cannot be used more than once.  With other liners if the child only peed they can be washed (with the diapers) and reused at least 1-2 more times, but not these liners.  They become a ball of stretched out fluff that can't go back into a usable shape.  Another con is that they are made of viscose, and although it is biodegradable it is made using caustic chemicals that pollute, which isn't very earth friendly.

ImseVimse Bio Liners

The ImseVimse brand is the one I've used the longest.  They come in a long roll and are sized either for baby or toddler.  They are also biodegradable and flushable and made out of all natural paper products (no bleach).  They cost about $14 for 200 baby liners or $9 for 100 toddler size.  They can also be found many places online like Amazon for $13.95.

On the left is the toddler size and on the right the baby size.  I would recommend the baby size until your child is in a size large diaper.

Pros: Can be used more than once.  These wash beautifully (get softer) and can be used at least 2 more times if only with a pee diaper.  They have two sizes, which is helpful as baby grows.  I know one mommy that buys the toddler size and cuts them down, but I'm too lazy for that. :)  Another big pro for me is that they are all natural and made out of rice paper.

Cons: They are a little rough and resemble more of a dryer sheet.  They are not appropriate to  use with unsafe diaper creams as they are too transparent.

Make your own Fleece Liners

Before my first daughter was born I went to a local fabric store and bought a yard of micro fleece fabric.   I looked for the thinnest fleece I could find, as this is Arizona after all!  I then went home and cut it into rectangles that looked like they'd fit in my diapers.  It was all very imprecise but they work.  I laughed later at my fabric design choice, I'd selected a spotted paw print pattern that reminded me of our little dog.  Why my very-pregnant self decided this I have no idea b/c the pattern isn't exactly the best for a diaper if you get my drift.  The spots look like ah-hem something that belongs in the diaper.  Ha!

These liners are perfect for protecting cloth from unsafe diaper creams.  In fact I only use them these days if my daughter has a rash and needs cream.  They can also help with solids though, as it is easier to get off of the fleece then the diaper.  I used them more when my daughter was tiny as they kept BF poop from staining her cotton diapers (fleece doesn't stain).

Pros: Soft, can be used over and over (I'm still using the ones from my first daughter).  Cheap and you can select a pattern that you like.

Cons: Can't be tossed so you still have to deal with laundering them.

Bottom line, I prefer ImseVimse liners and will keep buying them.  As much as I loved how soft the Bumkins liners are and how convenient the box is I don't like that they are made with chemicals and can only be used once.  I'll also keep using my fleece liners when needed.

For more information on cloth diapering check out:

and make your own diaper pail deodorizer


  1. I used micro fleece cleaning rags from the dollar store and cut them up- works great!

  2. Note to self, don't use puppy paw print ;)

  3. Great reviews! I went through a few brands until I just decided to make my own. I use the fleece dusting cloths that you get from the supermarket chopped up and stitched around the outside to stop fraying. Marion :)

    1. I know this was 5 years ago but I was just thinking there are chemicals in those dust cloths. Even baby powder is being targeted for causing ovarian cancer so not sure I would use them on a baby.
