You may or may not know that I am becoming a super-fan of Mayim Bialik. Between being a television sitcom star, having a PhD (in neuroscience !!!), author, conservative Jew, Lactation Counselor and Attachment Parent I am intrigued. I thought her blog post yesterday on kveller was interesting. She was responding to media attention this week regarding Alicia Silverstone pre-chewing food for her child and January Jones eating her placenta. I especially liked this quote:
Everyone has a line which, when crossed, makes them perk up their ears. For you, it may be me breastfeeding my 3-year-old. For someone else, it may be me breastfeeding at all (I know people like this). For you, me holding my newborn over a potty may be the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard of. For me, diapers for 4-year-olds sounds pretty outside of my comfort zone, as does not wanting to be close to your baby as much as possible. The point is, we all have an idea of what we want to do or what we think is “normal.” It benefits no one for us to turn someone’s choices or even eccentricity into a case for ridicule or judgment.
Exactly. As I share life and community with other friends who are parenting we are bound to have differing views on so many things. And believe me we do. It makes for some very colorful conversations at our get-togethers. I appreciate Mayim's point-of-view that we need to respect other's choices and be cognizant of our own "lines". Knowing that we do things that others could be looking and laughing at (or judging) as well.
Another wise friend when referring to Attachment Parenting her 3 month old versus other options said the following:
I always pray that God reminds me that he is the one who attaches relationships and mends broken ones. And that no matter what method is used in life, my job is to point her to Jesus. And for now I see that as meeting every need, soothing every tear, and holding her as much as possible. Like Jesus does with us. - Laura G.
Attachment parenting may be "crossing lines" for you. The fact that I keep getting up during the night over and over to hold and calm my 8 month old. Or maybe it's that I breastfed my first daughter until 23 months, or that we cloth diaper. Perhaps that I wear my baby and haven't used a babysitter since she was born. Maybe that we don't spank our 4 year old. Or that we don't do Disney. If you think all of that is just fine I bet I've got one that will make your "ears perk up a little", I do momma cloth. There, now I've got you. Not sure what momma cloth is? Google it. ;)
I'm sure I'll be writing about our parenting choices more as I get through Mayim's book. More to come!