I had 2 choices: Stripilates
So yes, the Mom and Baby Fitness appeared to be the correct choice since my kids were home. I got all set up and oh-my was it a difficult workout. Not the actual video, just being able to workout with a 5 year old, 18 month old and a dog in the same room! The 5 year old bless-her-heart went and got a baby doll and was working out along with me. She wasn't so much in the way as in in-my space (right next to me). The 18 month old on the other hand would have nothing to do with the baby parts of the video and kept pushing on my head when I was doing forward folds or trying to get me to stand up when I was doing lunges. Sigh.
And then there was the dog. He wanted to sit in my lap or on me.
I gave up about 1/2 way through. How do you workout-at-home moms do it? I'm guessing during nap time perhaps?
I'm so glad my gym has childcare; I'll stick with working out there. Yoga-sardines beats yoga-toddler-preschooler-dog any day!
Curious about the Stripilates video? It's a pretty-tame (think sexy not skanky) mat-pilates workout. I noticed that Amazon on the listing page for this video they had the following titles under the "what other customers buy after looking" section: Totally Nude Balance Ball Workout and Totally Nude Aerobics. I just have to say ewww to that. Yikes!
I think my dog would do the same thing :)
ReplyDelete~ Jamie-Leigh